National Council of Women’s Organisations (NWCO)

Attended the National Council of Women’s Organisations (NWCO) Charity Golf Tournament at Tropicana Golf and Country Resort on 20 November 2019.

Lunch with KDYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong, Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah binti AlMarhum Al-Mutawakkil Alallah Sultan Iskandar Al-Haj, DYMM Tuanku Ampuan Besar Negeri Sembilan Tuanku Aishah Rohani and the esteemed guests.

NCWO is a consultative, advisory, non-political, non-religious and non communal body which unites women’s organisations and cooperates with national, regional and international organisations and agencies in the commitment to:


  • The constitutional guarantee of non-discrimination based on gender is interpreted in the context of substantive equality for all women
  • For law reforms, including syariah in both substance and enforcement so as to respect, protect and fulfill women rights and to eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence against women
  • And monitor the full participation, inclusion and representation of women in decision making at all levels
  • Woman have equitable access to and are equal agents and beneficiaries of development in an innovative economy and society
  • The fulfillment of Malaysia’s commitment at the international level as contained in various documents including the Beijing Platform for Action, CEDAW, IPCP, Vienna Human Rights Social Summit, Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Sustainable Development Goals



  • The development and advancement of women at all levels and in all spheres of life, including politics, social, health, economy and education
  • National unity and intercultural understanding towards realising a truly integrated and harmonious Malaysia.

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