Answering The Call Of Ramadhan Amidst Covid19 Pandemic


Tomorrow, Muslims all over the world will begin their Ramadhan. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this Ramadhan will see empty mosques but staying at home in the midst of a pandemic is not something new for Muslims. Prophet Muhammad himself had advised on quarantine: If you hear of an outbreak of plague in a land, do not enter it; if the plague outbreaks out in a place while you are in it, do not leave that place.

Yes, it is difficult for everyone to not be with our loved ones as we can’t “balik kampung”, there will be no terawih and no going to pasar Ramadhan for our favourite dishes. Nevertheless, I am sure we can overcome this and bounce back stronger.

Let the practice of fasting bring us closer to those who feel hunger on a regular basis. Let the missing of our loved ones make us treat them better the next time we meet them. Let our terawihs at home be used for us to reflect on our connection to the Creator. Challenges exist only to make us better and we should always strive to be better Muslims as well as better human beings.

I would like to wish all Muslims Ramadhan Kareem and to remember to be safe and to continue with the social distancing. May Allah bless us all and keep us safe.

#Stayathome and #Besafe.
#Covid19 #FNPOV #sharewithsmf #FNrepresent

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