We have now gone through 13 days of MCO at the time of writing. We have two weeks more to go until the MCO is over. Yes, we don’t know what will happen in the coming two weeks but that doesn’t mean we should not do anything at home and just wait.
During these times, it is very important for each and everyone to keep a positive mindset. Here are some things that you can do to at home (not in order of importance):
1. Read books. There are so many things to learn and know about. Be it online books or traditional books on paper. Read.
2. Exercise. Not being able to go out doesn’t mean you have to sleep all day. There are many indoor exercises you can do to keep your body in shape. Exercise is also important for your immune system and this is why you must keep your body moving. You can check my Instagram for some.
3. Do not spend too much time on social media. Although social media keeps us all connected, there is also the danger of having too much information and being overloaded with information that is not important for your well-being. Be selective and limit your social media time.
4. Reach out. This is the time for you to reach out to old friends, relatives and people you have lost touch over the years. Call them, ask them how they are doing and update each other.
5. Support and comfort others. There are people who might lose jobs and there are people who are afraid of the uncertain future. Be a good listener and just listen without commenting negatively.
6. Stop arguing and debating. Now is not the time to argue. If there is one thing this coronavirus pandemic has taught us, it’s to care about each other. Being right about certain things will not help you much anyway. This is the time to be closer to one another, not to burn bridges.
7. Pray. These are troubling times and it is critical for everyone to have faith, each in their own ways. For Muslims, read the Quran (or the translation), the Hadith or stories of the Prophet and spare some quiet reflection time to obtain inner peace and guidance.
8. Increase your skillset. Whatever your profession is, there is something that you can do to improve it. You can watch YouTube videos, read articles about it or go into online forums that focus on the subject matter you are interested in.
9. Set a target of things you want to achieve during MCO. Having nothing to do might keep you restless so set some realistic daily or weekly targets so you can keep yourself occupied. For example, set a daily target of doing 50 pushups a day by the next two weeks. If you start doing 10 pushups in the morning, you can do another 10 in the afternoon and another 10 at night, that’s already 30.
10. Keep positive! Life is about having choices and making the right one. You cannot control what will happen to you but you can control your reaction. If there are few choices for you to choose from, always choose the one that is more positive.
Having a positive outlook will only make you become less worried and at the same time support others. Being negative about things will not help anyone, especially yourself. You can do this!
That’s all for now, wishing the best at everyone, #Stayathome and #Besafe.
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