Covid19 – Be Safe, Stay Home Malaysians

I’m sure by now a lot has been written and shared regarding #Covid19. Our government’s move to extend the #RestrictedMovementOrder was critically important to curb the spread of the virus.

What, then, should we as Malaysians do? I say we put aside our differences and do exactly what the government tells us to do. It is not about restricting our freedom, it is about saving our lives, and the lives of our loved ones.

So please. Just stay home. Think of those tireless frontliners risking their health and lives so that we could breathe, live, work and play like we used to. They are our heroes. We can be heroes too, for them and the people they’re saving.

When this is all over, we can stand tall and be proud of how Malaysia contained the spread of #Covid19. So please, fellow Malaysian, just #Stayathome and #Besafe.

#FNPOV #sharewithsmf #FNrepresent


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